Friday, December 27, 2019

Ronald Wilson Reagan Took Office On January 20Th, 1981.

Ronald Wilson Reagan took office on January 20th, 1981. Reagan served from 1981 to 1989. He served two terms and was president from 1981- 1989. President Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election and Walter Mondale in the 1984 election. He ran his first campaign mostly on President Carter s shortcomings and failures. His campaign slogan was, Are you better off than you were four years ago? His other slogan was, Lets make America great again. This clearly shows that his campaign strategy was mostly based on how America took a turn for the worst during Carter s first term. He talked about how Carter dealt with the Iranian Hostage Crisis so poorly, which led to national embarrassment. Reagan promised an economic revival that†¦show more content†¦I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent s youth and inexperience. Walter Mondale ran a liberal campaign, he supported a nuclear freeze and the Equal Rights Amendment. Mondale spoke against what he consider ed to be unfairness in Reagan s economic policies and the need to reduce federal budget deficits. The main issues of the election were, economic recovery, education and the federal budget. While Mondale criticized Reagan for cutting the federal budget for federal programs and education. Reagan however, had more public support with his education policy of merit pay. Reagan won the election because he had gained popularity for helping spur economic growth and lower unemployment. He also had very smart advertisements that helped him have a better view among Americans. President Reagan worked skillfully to pass his legislation in congress. He worked with a Democratic majority house to pass legislation. Reagan s support for an increased defense budget at the height of the Cold War was supported by Congressional Democrats and Republicans. However, Congress was reluctant, yet followed through with Reagan s proposed cuts in domestic programs. In accordance with Reagan s less-government intervention views, many domestic government programs were cut or experienced periods of reduced funding during his presidency. One important lawShow MoreRelatedRonald Regan: A Brief Biography731 Words   |  3 PagesRonald Reagan once said â€Å"What I’d really like to do is go down in history as Michelle President who made Americans believe in Michellemselves again.† (World Book Encyclopedia, 185) Reagan first rose to prominence in Michelle United States as a popular film actor. He Michellen turned to politics and became governor of Michelle state of California. That led eight years as Michelle president of Michelle United States. Through it all, Reagan emerged as one of Michelle most popular and influential AmericansRead MorePre-Columbian Period9302 Words   |  38 Pageswas the first European to set foot on what would one day become U.S. territory when he came to Puerto Rico on November 19, 1493, during his second voyage. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Alzheimer s Disease ( Ad ) Is A Neurodegenerative...

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative condition that affects the memory function, which is a huge public health concern among the elderly population. It has affected more than five million individuals in the United States and that number is expected to quadruple by the 2050 if interventions are not found. AD has a huge affect on the world not only by the number of deaths that it is causing but also the amount of health care costs reaching around 100 billion dollars. Because of the increase of AD throughout the globe, the aging population should consider the intake of certain vitamins and nutrients in their daily lives to possibly reduce or prevent the onset of AD. Nutritional factors and nutritional deficiencies have a very strong correlation with cognitive decline as illustrated throughout the study done by Angelo Parigi, Francesco Panza, Cristiano Capurso, and Vincenzo Solfrizzi. Ones dietary habits and nutritional deficiencies have a huge determining factor on co gnitive impairment on an individual with AD. B vitamins have a relationship with cognitive dysfunction in many observational studies as well as clinical and epidemiological studies. Another type of vitamin that was found to correspond with cognitive impairment is folate (B9) and cobalamine (B12), the studies that were done on these two types of vitamins did find the determinants with cognitive impairment in AD. The elderly populations is among the highest at risk for nutritional deficiencies, withShow MoreRelatedThe Pathology Of Alzheimer s Disease1224 Words   |  5 PagesA neurodegenerative disease is when the central nervous system progressively deteriorates thus causing nervous system dysfunction. Neurodegenerative conditions are characterised by the change in the neurone function within the brain cells. Alzheimers disease(AD) can be classified as a neurodegenerative disorder, (Griffin W.S.T 2006). The pathology of alzheimer’s disease has been described as a person havi ng neural plaques within the brain, they are made up of high levels of protein ÃŽ ²-amyloid, andRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Slow Progressing Neurodegenerative Disease Essay1694 Words   |  7 PagesAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is a slow-progressing neurodegenerative disease that has no cure and most often affects people over the age of sixty-five. Neurodegeneration is characterized by the loss of function in the central nervous system due to degeneration of neurons found mostly in the brain. The most recent data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that AD is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. The cause of Alzheimer’s is still not completely understood, butRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Its Effects On Society1009 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer’s disease, also known as AD is often insidious on set, it can take months up to years to go from a mild to severe impairment. (Mayeux, 2010) The disease is irreversible and has no cure. â€Å"The disease affects 500,000 Canadians, 71,000 of those are under the age of 65† (VanDenBroek, 2013). AD affects the person by impacting their neurological function, their cognition and their behaviour. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, it affects two pathological hallmarks: amyloidRead MoreA Brief History Of Alzheimer s Disease1675 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction 1.1 A brief overview of Alzheimer’s diseases The life expectancy is now doubled from the last century in the developed countries due to the revolution progress in medicine and health mainly to chronic diseases. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most well-known and familiar diseases in the modern societies AD was first reported by Alois Alzheimer in 1907.The AD is the most common type of dementia and a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the damage of nerve cells in theRead MoreA Research Into Decision Making For Alzheimer s Disease Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pagesand consists of different functions, memory, reasoning, logic; these are all controlled by different areas of the brain. Alzheimer’s Disease inhibits short term memory first, before it continually moves throughout the brain, eventually affecting part of the brain that controls involuntary functions. With this in mind someone with MCI would not be able to make clear judgments and recall memory stored in long term memory. The deterioration of short term and working memory will inhibit a person’s abilityRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Type Of Dementia1498 Words   |  6 Pages1. Alzheimer’s Disease a. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia b. Dementia is a term used to describe the disorders that affect the brain such as in memory loss. c. Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative brain disorder causing progressive memory loss and destroys thinking skills. d. First discovered by Alois Alzheimer (a German physician) who first discovered the disease in 1906. (Alzheimer’s and Dementia) e. First discovered, while Alois was preforming an autopsy on a woman whoRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Progressive Neurodegenerative Disease2372 Words   |  10 Pagesin cognition such as some loss of hearing, vision, and working memory that are considered part of the normal aging process. When these symptoms start to worsen and vastly impair everyday tasks, the consideration of a form of dementia is brought forward. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a brain disease, is the most common type of dementia, and affects majority of people 60 years or older (1,14). It is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, which only continues to worsen over time. Each individual is affectedRead MoreOutline Of Alzheimer s Alzheimer S2283 Words   |  10 PagesI. Introduction: Alzheimer’s A. Why I chose Alzheimer’s: Kevin Arnold once said, â€Å"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.† Memories are the things hold on to in life. Whether it’s bad or good, memories are engraved in us and as we carry them through our everyday lives they become a part of us. But what if as times goes by, those memories start to disappear? Imagine that the things you held onto for years could no longer beRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Alzheimer s Disease1930 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction The neurodegenerative disorder Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is currently the most common cause of dementia and affects millions of people around the world. ¹ There are multiple risk factors associated with AD, including genetic factors, hypertension, diet and most significantly, age. Individuals over the age of 65 are most vulnerable to the disease and at this point, the risk increases every 5 years. ¹ Alzheimer’s Disease was first described over 100 years ago by Alois Alzheimer in Germany, characterisingRead MoreNeuro Protective Effect And Attenuation Of Dementia1623 Words   |  7 PagesNeuro-protective effect and attenuation of dementia by diltiazem in ICV-STZ induced sporadic Alzheimer s disease rat model. Ramesh Alluri* Sivamallikarjuna Reddy A Supriya Reddy G Cognitive Science Research Initiative Lab, Dept. of Pharmacology, Vishnu Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Narsapur, Medak Dist., Telangana, 502313. Correspondence: Abstract: Sporadic Alzheimer’s disease is an age-related neurological and psychiatric disorder characterized by impaired

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The History of Hip Hop free essay sample

The History of Hip Hop Introduction Hip hop music is a style of popular music. It is usually composed of two elements: rapping (also known as emceeing) and Digging. When combined with break dancing and graffiti art, these are the four components of hip hop, a cultural movement which began In New York City In the asses, predominantly by African Americans and Latino. [l] The term rap music is sometimes used synonymously with hip hop music. Though it is also used to refer specifically to the practice of rapping.Origins of hip hop The roots of hip hop are found In West African and African-American music. The grits of West Africa are a group of traveling singers and poets, whose musical style is reminiscent of hip hop. Within New York City, grist-like performances of poetry and music by artists such as The Last Poets and Jackal Mansard Unhurried had a great Impact on the post-civil rights era culture of the asses and asses. HIP hop arose during the 1 sass when block parties became common in New York City, especially the Bronx. Block parties were usually accompanied by music, especially funk and soul music. The early Des at block parties began Isolating the percussion breaks to hit songs, legalizing that these were the most dance-able and entertaining parts; this technique was then common in Jamaica and had spread via the substantial Jamaican immigrant community in New York City, especially the godfather of hip hop, DC Cool Here. Dub had arisen in Jamaica due to the influence of American sailors and radio stations playing RB, Large sound systems were set up to accommodate poor Jamaican, who couldnt afford to buy records, and dub developed at the sound system.Here was one of the most popular Des in early ass New York, and he quickly switched room using reggae records to funk, rock and, later, disco, since the New York audience did not particularly Like reggae. Because the percussive breaks were generally short, Here and other Des began extending them using an audio mixer and two records. Mixing and scratching techniques eventually developed along with the breaks. (The same techniques con tributed to the popularization of remixes. Later Des such as Grandmaster Flash refined and developed the use of breakfast, Including cutting. [citation needed] As in dub, performers began speaking while the music played; hose were originally called Masc.; Here focused primarily on Digging, and began working with two Masc., Coke La Rock and Clark Kent-?this was the first emcee crew, Cool Here the Hercules. Originally, these early rappers focused on Introducing themselves and others in the audience (the origin of the still common practice of shouting out on hip hop records).These early performers often emceed for hours at a time, with some improvisation and a simple four-count beat, along with a basic chorus to allow the performer to gather his thoughts (such as one, two, three, hall, to the beat, hall). Later, the Masc. grew more varied In their vocal and rhythmic approach, Incorporating brief rhymes, often with a sexual or scatological theme, in an effort at differentiating FIFO rhyming lyrics from African American culture (see roots of hip hop music), such as the dozens. While Cool Here the Hercules were the first hip hoppers to gain major fame in New York, more emcee teams quickly sprouted up. Frequently, these were collaborations between former gang members, such as Afrikaans Bombasts Universal Zulu Nation (now a large, international organization). Melee Mel, a rapper/ wrist with The Furious Five is often credited with being the first rap lyricist to call himself an MS. During the early asses, break dancing arose during block parties, as b-boys and b-girls got in front of the audience to dance in a distinctive, frenetic style.The style was documented for release to a world wide audience for the first time in Beat Street. Origin of The Term Hip Hop Coinage of the term hip hop is often credited to Keith Cowboy, a rapper with Grandmaster Flash the Furious Five. Though Lovable Stark, Keith Cowboy, and DC Hollywood used the term when the music was still known as disco rap, it is believed hat Cowboy created the term while teasing a friend who had Just Joined the US Army, by scat singing the words hip/hop/hip/hop in a way that mimicked the rhythmic cadence of marching soldiers. Cowboy later worked the hip hop cadence into a part of his stage performance, which was quickly copied by other artists; for example the opening of the song Rappers Delight by The Sugarbird Gang. Former Black Spades gang member Africa Bumboat is credited with first using the term to describe the subculture that hip hop music belongs to, although it is also suggested hat the term was originally derisively used against the new type of music. Diversification of styles in the later part of the decade In the mid-asses, hip hop split into two factions.One sampled disco and focused on getting the crowd dancing and excited, with simple or no rhymes; these Des included Pete DC Jones, Eddie Achebe, DC Hollywood and Love Bug Stark. On the other hand, another group were focusing on rapid-fire rhymes and a more complex rhythmic scheme. These included Africa Bumboat, Paul Winkle, Grandmaster Flash and Bobby Robinson. As the ass became the asses, many felt that hip hop was a novelty ad that would s oon die out. This was to become a constant accusation for at least the next fifteen years.Some of the earliest rappers were novelty acts, using the themes to Sailings Island and using sweet do hop-influenced harmonies. With the advent of recorded hip hop in the late asses, all the major elements and techniques of the genre were in place. Though not yet mainstream, it was well-known among African Americans, even outside of New York City; hip hop could be found in cities as diverse as Los Angels, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Dallas, Kansas City, Miami, Seattle, SST. Louis, New Orleans, and Houston.Philadelphia was, for many years, the only city whose contributions to hip hop were valued as greatly as New York Citys by hip hop purists and critics. Hip hop was popular there at least as far back as 1976 (first record: Rhythm Talk, by Cocky Henderson in 1979), and the New York Times dubbed Philly the Graffiti Capital of the World in 1971, due to the influence of such legendary graffiti artists as Cornbr ead. The first female solo artist to record hip hop invent what became known as gangs rap.The asses The asses saw intense diversification in hip hop, which developed into a more complex form. The simple tales of asses emcees were replaced by highly metaphoric lyrics rapping over complex, multi-layered beats. Some rappers even became mainstream pop performers, including Curtis Blow, whose appearance in a Sprite commercial made him the first hip hop musician to be considered mainstream enough to represent a major product, but also the first to be accused by the hip-hop audience of selling out.Another popular performer among mainstream audiences was EL Cool J, who was a success from the release of his first LIP, Radio. Hip hop was almost entirely unknown outside of the United States prior to the asses. During that decade, it began its spread to every inhabited continent and became a part of the music scene in dozens of countries. In the early part of the decade, breakfasting became the first aspect of hip hop culture to reach Germany, Japan and South Africa, where the crew Black Noise established the practice before beginning to rap later in the decade.Meanwhile, recorded hip hop was released in France (Dee Nannys 1984 Panama City Rapping) and the Philippines (Doors Savers An Nosing Delight and Vincent Daffodils Annual). In Puerco Rice, Vice C became he first Spanish language rapper, and his recorded work was the beginning of what became known as regnant. Plasticization The first rap records (Fatback Bands King Tim Ill, Grandmaster Flashs Super Rapping' and The Sugarbird Gangs Rappers Delight) were actually recorded by live musicians in the studio, with the rappers adding their vocals later.This changed with DC records such as Grandmaster Flashs Adventures on the Wheels of Steel (known for pioneering use of scratching, which was invented by Granddaddy Theodore in 1977) as well as electronic recordings such a s Planet Rock by Africa Bumboat and Run Dams very basic, all electronic Sucker Macs and Peter Piper which contains genuine cutting by Run DIM member Jam Master Jay. These early innovators were based out of New York City, which remained the capital of hip hop during the asses. This style became known as East Coast hip hop. Grandmaster Flash the Furious Five released a message rap, called The Message, in 1982; this was one of the earliest examples of recorded hip hop with a socially aware tone. In 1984, Marble Marl accidentally caught a drum machine snare hit in the sampler; this innovation was vital in the development of electro and other eater types of hip hop. Popularization The mid-asses saw a flourishing of the first hip hop artists to achieve mainstream success, such as Curtis Blow (Curtis Blow), EL Cool J (Radio) and especially Run-D. M. C. Harry rapping in the first non-black hit to feature rapping, Rapture.EL Cool Gs Radio spawned a number of singles that entered the dance charts, peaking with l Can Give You More (#21). 1986 saw two hip hop acts in the Billboard Top Ten; Run-D. M. C. s Walk This Way collaboration with Aerostatic, and the Beastie Boys (You Goat) Fight for Your Right (To Party! ). The pop success of both singles was unheard of for the time; Walk This Way has proved especially memorable for its early mixture of hip hop and rock (though it was not the first such mixture), and it peaked at an unheard of #4 on the pop charts.Also, the mid-asses saw the rise of the first major black female group, Salt-N-Peep, who hit the charts with singles like The Show Stoops in 1985. Ice-TVs seminal an Dad Morning' (1986) is one of the first nationally successful West Coast hip hop singles, and is often said to be the beginning of gangs hip hop (along with School D, EL Cool J and N. W. A. ). In 1987, Public Enemy brought out their debut album (You! Bum Rush the Show) on Deaf Jam one of hip hops oldest and most important labels, and Boogie Down Productions followed up in 1988 with By All Means Necessary; both records pioneered wave of hard-edged politicized performers.The late asses saw a flourishing of like-minded rappers on both coasts, and Public Enemys It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back became surprisingly successful, despite its militant and confrontational tone, appearing on both the club and rap charts, and peaking at 17 and #11, respectively. Aside from the lyrical innovations, Public Enemys Terminator X (along with Eric B. , of Eric B. Raking) pioneered new techniques in sampling that resulted in dense, multi-layered sonic collages.The Rise of Gangs Rap The first gangs rap album to become a mainstream pop hit, selling more than 2. 5 million copies, was N. W. A. s Straight Auto Compton (1988). N. W. A. s controversial subject matter, including drugs, violence and sex, helped popularize what became known as gangs rap (said to have begun with Ice-TVs AN Dad Morning). Specifically, the song F*** That Police earned the foursome the enmity of law enforcement, resulting in a strongly-worded letter of discontent from the FBI. N. W. A. s most lasting impact, however, was placing the West Coast on the hip hop map.Diversification Though women, whites and Latino had long been a part of the hip hop scene, it was not until the asses that groups other than young African American males began creating popular, innovative and distinctive styles of hip hop music. The first rap recording by a solo female was Ph leadership-based Lady B. s To the Beat, HAWAII (1980), while The Sequence became the first female group to record. It was, not, however, until Salt-N-Peep in the middle of the decade that female performers gained mainstream success.The first groups to mix hip hop and heavy metal included sasss Rock Box (Run-D. M. C. ) and Rock Hard (Beastie Boys). Later in the decade, Ice-T and Anthrax were among the most innovative mixers of thrash introduced it to legions of new fans in the States and abroad. International spread Beginning in the early asses, hip hop culture began its spread across the world. By the end of the asses, popular hip hop was sold almost everywhere, and native performers were recording in most every country with a popular music industry.Elements of hip hop became fused with numerous styles of music, including raga, cambium and samba, for example. The Senegal embalm rhythm became a component of hip hop, while the United Kingdom and Belgium produced a variety of electronic music fusions of hip hop, most famously including British trip hop. Hip hop also spread to countries like Greece, Spain and Cuba in the asses, led in Cuba by the elf-exiled African American activist Unhanded Abidjan and aided by Fidel Castors government.In Japan, graffiti art and breakfasting had been popular since the early part of the decade, but many of those active in the scene felt that the Japanese language was unsuited for rapping; nevertheless, by the beginning of the asses, a wave of rappers emerged, including Tit Seeks, Chickadee Harsh, Tinnier Pun and Taking Kane. The New Zealand hip hop scene began in earnest in the late asses, when Maori performers like Upper Hut Posse and Dalmatians Prime began recording, gaining territory for lyrics that espoused tint reinvigorating (Maori sovereignty).The asses In the ass, gangs rap became mainstream, beginning in about 1992, with the release of Dry. Dress The Chronic. This album established a style called G Funk, which soon came to dominate West Coast hip hop. Later in the decade, record labels base d out of Atlanta, SST. Louis and New Orleans gained fame for their local scenes. By the end of the decade, especially with the success of Mine, hip hop was an integral part of popular music, and nearly all American pop songs had a major hip hop component. The rise of the West Coast After N. W. A. Broke up, Dry.Drew (a former member) released The Chronic (1992), which peaked at #1 on the RB/hip hop chart and #3 on the pop chart and spawned a #2 pop single in Nothing But a G Than. . The Chronic took West Coast rap in a new direction, influenced strongly by P funk artists, melding the psychedelic funky beats with slowly drawled lyrics-?this came to be known as G funk, and dominated mainstream hip hop for several years through a roster of artists on Death Row Records, including most popularly, Snoop Doggy Dog, whose Doggedly included Whats My Name and Gin and Juice, both Top Ten pop hits.Though West Coast artists eclipsed New York, some East Coast rappers achieved success. New York became dominated in terms of sales by Puff Daddy (No Way Out), Mass (Harlem World) and other Bad Boy Records artists, in spite of often scathing criticism for a perceived over-reliance on sampling and a general watered-down sound, aimed directly for pop markets. Other New York based artists continued with Rhymes (The Coming) and The Www-Tang Clan (Enter the Www-Tang (36 Chambers)), for example, received excellent reviews but generally mediocre or sporadic sales.The sales rivalry betwe en the East Coast and the West Coast eventually turned into a personal rivalry, aided in part by the music media. Many reporters were not aware that MS battles were an integral part of hip hop since its inception, and that, generally, little was meant by open taunts on albums and in performances. Nevertheless, the East Coast-West Coast rivalry grew, eventually resulting in the still unsolved deaths of Tuba Shaker and Notorious B. I. G Diversification of styles In the wake of declining sales following the deaths of both superstar artists, the sounds of hip hop were greatly diversified.Most important was the rise of Southern rap, starting with Outcast (Italians) and Goodie Mob (Soul Food), based out of Atlanta. Later, Master P (Ghetto D) built up an impressive roster of popular artists (the No Limit posse) based out of New Orleans and incorporating G funk and Miami bass influences, and distinctive regional sounds from SST. Louis, Chicago, Washington D. C. , Detroit (ghettos) and others began to gain some popularity. Also in the asses, rapport (a fusion of hip hop and heavy metal) became popular among mainstream audiences. Rage against the Machine, Link Park and Limp Bikini were among the cost popular rapport bands.Though Caucasian rappers like the Beastie Boys (Palls Boutique), Vanilla Ice (To the Extreme) and 3rd Bass (The Cactus Album) had had some popular success and/or critical acceptance from the hip hop community, Detroit-native Amines success, beginning in 1999 with the triple platinum The Slim Shady LIP, came as a surprise to many. Like most successful hip hop artists of the time, Mine came to be criticized for alleged glorification of violence, misogyny, and drug abuse, as well as homophobia and albums laced with constant profanity. ASSESIn the year 2000, The Marshall Matters LIP by Mine sold over nine million copies in the United States, and Knells debut LIP, Country Grammar, sold over six million copies. In the next several years, a wave of increasingly pop-oriented RB crossover acts, like Jag Rule and Destinys Child, dominated American popular music. It was not until the sudden breakthrough success of the hard-edged 50 Cent that hardcore hip hop returned to the pop charts. The United States also saw the rise of alternative hip hop in the form of moderately popular performers like The Roots, Dilated Peoples ND Moss Deaf, who achieved unheard-of success for their field.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Minivans Essays - Airbag, Bags, Target Audience, Minivan

Minivans The minivan today falls roughly within the $30000 - $40000 price range. As a result, not everyone who could benefit from this automobile can afford it. Minivans target young families (parents between the ages of 25-34) with 2-3 children or more residing in rural and suburban areas in which transportation needs are involved. Despite the minivan's convenience, studies from show its target group has been decreasing and has been forecasted to continue decreasing in the years to come. Many factors contribute to this decreasing target group. First and foremost, the decreasing number of children per family. Also, the price, limiting its buyers to those who attain a certain income (studies show income earned by members of society is directly proportionate to their level of education). An income level predominantly earned by members of the middle to upper middle class. It has also been noted that people have been and are continuing to migrate from the more rural areas to the cities due to hig her incomes and a faster pace of life, decreasing the amount of transportation needed to commute. More importantly, according to Stats, the family structure is changing, and due to the increase in cost of living, more women (between the ages of 25-34) are joining the workforce. This happens to be the age bracket where most women have their children. Married couples with no children are the fastest growing demographic group. Families, with children, are a shrinking market for this product. More people from 5 to 32 years of age die as a result of traffic accidents than any other cause. This leads parents to prefer the use of a vehicle that provides a reliable, safe and secure driving experience. Families spend most of their time and money to find a vehicle that is designed to prevent car accidents and protect passengers and drivers. A family's primary concern is the well being and safety of their children on the road. Therefore, consumers prefer to choose vehicles with family friendly features. In order to satisfy the consumer's safety needs automotive companies build vehicles, with their tastes and want in mind. Manufactures install government-specified (See Vehicle Safety Act) lights, reflectors, brakes, tires, windows, windshield wipers, defrosters and dash board controls to prevent accidents and install seat belts, air bags, head restraints and bumper system to protect car occupants. These features not only satisfy government regulations, but also please the safety conscious families of today's market. Evolution The ?nuclear? family has gone through drastic changes through the course of the last few decades. From a single breadwinner, supporting a household of four or more children, the family unit has graduated to double incomes with only one or two children and a higher level of education for both the man and the women and even to same sex couples. Due to inflation and women increasingly entering the work force this change was self-evident. With this continuing trend families are becoming fewer and fewer. Consumers are ready to pay more to remain style conscious. Bigger, more luxurious appeal to this market and conform to their opinion of a worthwhile vehicle. Purchasing Power As for the purchasing power of families, the median income has gradually increased over the course of the last 10 years. Rising along with incomes are inflation rates and single parent households. This demonstrates the buying power of today's young families with double or single incomes, has dropped dramatically. Even with the greater availability of credit which increases buying power. Over the last decade and in today's unstable economy an increase in purchasing revenues seems unlikely with the lowered buying power of today's young families. A decrease in buying power demonstrates a shift in buying patterns towards more value for each dollar spent illustrating Engel's Law. Young families are now leaning towards smaller more cost efficient cars with longer warranties (forcing the automotive industry to assume longer warranty liabilities) This trend is confirmed by the decrease in revenues of the automobile industry over the last decade. Bibliography Internet Sites (motor vehicle safety act) Bibliography Books Sens, Allen, and Peter Stoett. Global Politics: Origins, Currents, Directions. Scarborough: International Thompson Publishing Nelson, 1998. The Public Pulse,